What Does a Website Redesign Mean in 2020?

In the span of a decade websites have gone from being a rare tool that set businesses apart to a necessity for any business, established or growing. If you have a business in 2020 it is assumed you also have a website. As the 2010s went on agencies, web development companies, and freelancers began building websites by the millions. As of December 2010 there were 255 million websites compared to 2020, merely ten years later, and that number has skyrocketed to 1.74 billion.

The mid 2010’s were focused around establishing an online presence. As an agency we have had to evolve our offerings to clients to match the ever changing industry. We no longer pitch the traditional website build from scratch (unless absolutely necessary). When a client comes to us, we do a digital audit, taking a look at everything from their website to digital marketing efforts. Typically, we don’t have to build a site from scratch, we can take what the client has and improve. This is healthier for your budget and your future marketing budget.

Improvement can mean a number of things but the key to a good website is communication. When you search for car repair for example, you don’t get 1 or 2 options, you get 7 or 8, maybe more. So what makes you choose one company over another? What makes a good website “good”? When we look at a way that a website can improve we look at a few different factors.

What is the goal of the business? Does the website support this?

Is there brand cohesion?

Pictures say a thousand words. Does it have high quality imagery?

Websites built in the early to mid 2010s are not always user friendly and this is the most common issue we come across. Mobile responsiveness was also less common. When we do a digital audit we take a look at the website, how it performs on desktop and mobile, what the user experience is like, and overall layout.

We will then work with the client to ensure we are listening to their needs and to ensure the website is providing for the needs of the company. A website is a marketing tool and should be used accordingly. So when we say website redesign in 2020, what we really mean is improve the website you have already invested time and money into. We will help you make sure that your website is meeting the needs of the company and can scale to meet future needs.


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