Our Blog

Paige Ford Paige Ford

AI: Striking the Right Balance

In the digital era, artificial intelligence (AI) inevitably infiltrates almost every discussion and project. The intriguing aspect lies in determining the extent of AI's integration.

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Paige Ford Paige Ford

Meta Quest 3: Navigating a New Reality

Step into the Future with Meta Quest 3! Read our latest blog to explore our insights on how this innovative VR headset is transforming everything from immersive gaming experiences to virtual meetings. Dive into a new dimension of reality.

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Paige Ford Paige Ford

Personalization and the Era of Privacy

Does your business need help to connect with your customers, and does your message feel lost in a sea of competitors? Would you like to know that your marketing efforts resonate with your audience? The solution you've been looking for is personalization, but perhaps not as you know it.

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Paige Ford Paige Ford

Lost in Translation? Not Anymore! How Enhanced Translation Services Can Help Your Business Connect with Customers.

In today's global market, communicating effectively with customers around the world is critical to the success of any business. For foreign companies selling products in the United States, ensuring that their marketing content and product descriptions are accurately translated into English can be a challenge. Enhanced translation services go beyond basic translations to ensure accuracy, cultural appropriateness, and effective messaging.

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Paige Ford Paige Ford

How Professional Web Development Services Can Help Enhance Your Online Presence

Today, a strong online presence is essential for any business looking to succeed in a competitive market. Your website is often the first interaction potential customers have with your brand, so it's crucial that it provides a positive impression and accurately represents your business. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of professional web development services and how they can help you enhance your online presence, establish credibility, and create a strong brand image.

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Nate Spry Nate Spry

Is Your Business In Liftphase?

Here is the secret: Every small agency can do anything that another can do. The products and services that they are offer are the same as any other. What you are instead shopping for is the unique talent that exists within an agency, the talent you need to put you into Liftphase.

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Nate Spry Nate Spry

Use What You Have

For many businesses considering change in their marketing, the first reaction is to cancel underutilized platforms and services. The issue however is rarely the platforms themselves, but a lack of an understanding on how to make use of them fully. Marketers within the tiniest companies to the largest organizations have software solutions that appear to be failing them, but instead are simply used incorrectly.

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Nate Spry Nate Spry

Who is Liftphase?

Liftphase is a marketing consultancy company dedicated to helping our clients achieve their goals and grow by sharpening their marketing efforts and spending their money efficiently. As marketers with both agency and in-house experience, we have seen countless clients who have spent large amounts of money on marketing initiatives and campaigns only to have their processes fail to deliver fully or to connect with their customer. We understand the importance of marketing your business but also know that not every client is the same. The cookie cutter marketing strategies that many agencies pitch are not going to set you apart from your competitors, and in-house teams often fail to deliver due to lack of oversight and process failures.

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Nate Spry Nate Spry

What Does a Website Redesign Mean in 2020?

In the span of a decade websites have gone from being a rare tool that set businesses apart to a necessity for any business, established or growing. If you have a business in 2020 it is assumed you also have a website. As the 2010s went on agencies, web development companies, and freelancers began building websites by the millions. As of December 2010 there were 255 million websites compared to 2020, merely ten years later, and that number has skyrocketed to 1.74 billion.

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Nate Spry Nate Spry

Why Use SquareSpace?

As a web developer who has spent countless hours working in code to produce websites, I was sassy when website builders such as Squarespace and WIX became popular. Twinged with a hint of jealousy I saw a part of my career disappearing as these tools made building websites exponentially easier than building a website just 4 years ago.

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